You know that we love the outdoors and plants. In fact, Jenni has a whole courtyard dedicated to potted succulents and cacti. If you’re a Jenni Stolarski Team client, you may have even received one of these plant offspring. Did we mention, we love plants?
Here’s a seasonal heads up, for your green buddies…there’s an unusually early cold front coming to North Texas early next week. That’s right, on Monday, October 26th, the temps are supposed to drop all day. And on Tuesday/Wednesday overnight lows are predicted to be in the 30’s. Too cold for our most tender plants.
So if you’re like Emily Ruth, bring in your money tree and aloe on Monday morning. And, if you are like Jenni, you may want to get a jumpstart with the plant migration this weekend. Thank goodness for the plant dolly that lives in her yard and the roll up door to make it easier. Certain large pots of cactus can handle this cold snap, so you may just want to water them deeply on Monday. As for inground plants, consider covering tender annuals and herbs (think tomatoes, basil, etc)…because you know it will be back up to 70oF this month.
For other helpful hints on winter care for your plants, read on here and here.
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