Pumpkin-Spiced Everything!

Welcome to Texans favorite season: fall! That’s right, while the northern states celebrate the end of winter with something called “Spring” (meh), we here in the south lose our collective minds when the heat breaks. And who can blame us? We finally get to walk outside again. Walk. Outside. Without frying. We get to wear clothes that may not be sweat-soaked by 10am. We can actually order warm beverages. 

In celebration, there are events almost every day of October.  Here are a few favorites to kick things off.

October 1–Kessler Pumpkin Patch

10am-4pm at Kessler United Methodist Church, 1215 Turner Ave, Dallas, 75208

Games, rides, and bounce house for kids. Pumpkins galore for purchase and awesome photos. Marketplace and food for all. 


October 15-16–Oak Cliff Fall Home Tour

noon-6pm, various locations. $20.

For architecture and interior design lovers…this annual tour gives a peek into private home throughout Oak Cliff. 


October 21–Rosemont Boo Bash

4:30-7:30 at Rosemont Elementary 

Fall festival supporting Rosemont Elementary, with face-painting, booths and fun for all ages.

now through Nov 23–Autumn at the Arboretum, 

Dallas Arboretum, 8525 Garland Rd, Dallas, 75218

Dozens of events, and great fall color, make this a must this month.

