Tag Archives: Neighborhood

Neighbors Make it a Neighborhood

You can love your house, the parks nearby, the trees, etc. But what truly makes a neighborhood are the people in it. We are grateful for our Oak Cliff neighbors regularly. From the one that brings us cookies from a new recipe they just got (yum!) to the person we go on our weekly walks with. From the guy next door who picks up our mail when we’re away to the family three houses down we celebrate Thanksgiving with every year.

Emily Ruth and her family are a bit between neighborhoods, but she is so grateful for the new faces she encounters at the neighborhood treasure, Twelve Hills Nature Center. South Clinton and Winnetka Heights still have her heart, and she finds her way over there often.

Emily Ruth appreciates the neighborhood families working with school age children creatively to support each other and their teachers in this challenging time. It feels like a thankless job in a vacuum sometimes, but Emily Ruth is so incredibly thankful for the teachers, the young growing minds, and the collective support to heal from this pandemic. 

Jenni appreciates how the time since late March has brought many more of her neighbors out to walk/run/bike on Greenbriar Ln. And of course, her Kings Highway neighbors remain near and dear from the decade-plus living on Windomere and Kings Hwy. This time has made her grateful for relationships and the creative ways we have found to maintain them. From FaceTime happy hours, to Zoom birthday calls, and socially distant coffees in backyards. She loves the attention that is being put into caring for those we love.

See you soon, neighbors.

XOXO  Jenni & Em